Shipping is included in the price.
Arttyco ships internationally using our designated shipping provider. If the country you wish to ship to is not available, please contact us through There is no minimum order amount.
Buyers are responsible for the information provided when placing an order. Any additional shipping costs resulting from an incorrect or incomplete address declaration are the sole responsibility of the final customer.
All confirmed orders will be charged immediately and delivered as soon as possible, typically within 15-30 business days, depending on the destination address. You will receive notification and tracking information by email once your order has been shipped. Please note that P.O. Box addresses are not accepted. For loss claims, please contact the shipping provider. If your package cannot be located by the shipping provider, contact us at We are not liable for any customs duties or taxes that may affect shipments outside of Spain. Artworks are insured during shipping. In case the artwork arrives damaged, contact the shipping provider and inform us as soon as possible. Due to insurance terms, claims cannot be processed after 30 days from receiving the artwork. The packaging is for protection purposes only. Dents or scratches on the packaging box caused by delivery are not covered in the Return and Refund policy.